Madison's Musings


Large or small, learn to love your download numbers

Even though we’re always told as podcast creators “never look at the numbers”… we all look at the numbers. We’re always dying to know how many downloads we’ve gotten. It’s really okay to do it, as long as you aren’t using those analytics to compare yourself to someone else.  That’s when it’s unhealthy and will only serve to chip away at your already delicate ego.  (I know you have a delicate ego because that’s part of the definition of “artist”). So I want to talk about how those numbers are actually FABULOUS, no matter how large or small they are.
Here’s the trick!  When I produced theater, we were always in tiny black box houses.  The largest probably sat 50 people.  And the chance of selling out those 50 seats?  Yeah, you know how hard it is to get people to come to see your play!  So think about that the next time you are looking at the download numbers for your latest episode.  If I get 50 downloads, that’s a full house!  Now when you see “oh, I only got 65 downloads.”  ONLY?  I would’ve killed to have 65 people show up in one night to see my plays!
And certainly the benefit of audio dramas distributed on a podcast platform is the reach.  Those live plays could only be seen by people living in my city, available that date and time, then woosh!  The show was gone into the ether.  Audio dramas, being recorded and uploaded, can patiently wait for audience to find them.  (Okay, let’s not make this passive, you should be grassroots marketing the heck outta your show!) Maybe your gains are slower than other shows.  SO WHAT.  Close your eyes and think about being on stage in front of that many people in one night.  It still makes me giddy each time.
Personally, Madison now has reached more audience than I ever could have imaged my stage shows reaching.  And I get thrilled when just ONE new person subscribes.  It’s not how many, it’s that it’s growing and moving forward.  Love your numbers.  Those are each a person… a stranger!  Who likes what you’re doing.  That should help your delicate ego.
-Chrisi (aka Madison)